Iberinox, stainless steel and special alloys scraps

Leader in major Mills industries


Iberinox 88 is a leading industrial group in Spain specializing in the recycling and recovery of materials and products of stainless steel, special alloys and the commercialization of all nickel formats.

The group was founded in 1977 under the name Hierros Izurza. In 1988 after a merging of the shareholders it acquires the current name. The company has undergone a number of transformations and taken on further specialization during its development up to the present day.


Over 35 years of travel have made Iberinox 88 into an industrial group which has a solid presence in the Spanish market for stainless steel recycling and we have become one of the 10 largest European companies in this sector.

The Company´s goal is to maintain its leadership position in the Spanish market. Furthermore, Iberinox is active in international markets, serving customers on a worldwide basis.

Iberinox has a very strong customer base is diversified into two distinct sectors, large consumers (major mills) and other customers using materials in smaller formats (foundries).


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